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SCHIPHOL. KLM, Lufthansa en tal van andere Europese luchtvaartmaatschappijen steunen samen met ondermeer werknemers- en werkgeversorganisaties uit heel Europa een noodkreet om oneerlijke concurrentie een halt toe te roepen.

In een vertrouwelijke brief wordt een dringende oproep gedaan aan de Europese Unie om in te grijpen. 

De brief, die in bezit is van Aviationwatch, is direct gericht aan staatssecretaris van o.a. luchtvaartzaken, Sharon Dijksma (PvdA). Zij is bij het Nederlandse voorzitterschap, nog enkele weken het eerste aanspreekpunt om in de slappe houding van de EU verandering te brengen.

De ondertekening van de brief betekent ondermeer dat de KLM de coalitie en het initiatief E4FC (Europeans for Fair Competition) steunt.

De Vereniging Nederlandse Verkeersvliegers liet in een reactie desgevraagd weten dat er inderdaad een brief is uitgegaan maar dat een de inhoud aan de Europese Transportraad wordt gelaten.  

VNV president Steven Verhagen: ”De overheden van Qatar en de overige emiraten pompen ongekende hoeveelheden dollars in hun luchtvaartmaatschappijen en dat verstoort de markt compleet. We kunnen vanuit Europa met alle luchtvaartmaatschappijen in de wereld concurreren op product en prijs maar niet met overheden. Daarom moet er ingegrepen worden door Europa door met die landen te gaan onderhandelen over wederzijdse markttoegang. Maar dan wel met een heel sterke clausule rondom eerlijke concurrentie, met toezicht op naleving en handhaving van strikte regels”. 

De Europese luchtvaartsector vindt dat daar nu op ingegrepen moet worden en toont dat via een niet eerder vertoonde coalitie van bedrijven en werknemersorganisaties. “De Transportraad van de Europese Transport ministers op 7 juni in Luxemburg wordt bepalend voor het voortbestaan van de Europese luchtvaart”, aldus de VNV president.

Hierbij de integrale tekst van de brief waar aviationwatch de hand op heeft weten te leggen:

Chairwoman of the EU Transport Council Ms S.A.M. Dijksma
Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment Plesmanweg 1-6

2597 JG The Hague The Netherlands

RE: EU-Gulf Air Transport Agreements – TTE Council meeting, 6-7 June 2016

Her Excellency Ms Dijksma

The undersigned supporters of Europeans for Fair Competition (E4FC), a coalition of concerned European citizens and organizations, would like to draw the special attention of the European Transport Council to the issue of “fair competition” between European airlines and a number of their competitors based in the Gulf.

Indisputable documented evidence shows that the nations of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have injected over €39 billion (between 2004-2014 alone) in government subsidies and unfair benefits into their state-owned airlines [see]. These nations and their subsidized airlines have used these funds to develop services and massive capacity between Europe and Asia via their hubs and are proceeding with a number of strategic investments in European airlines to feed their own operations and gain market access.

In turn, European airlines are not only losing market share, they are losing entire markets, with an inevitable negative impact on the European economy. It is crucial to have an EU-based airline industry that best serves Europe’s strategic interest, i.e., consumers, European employment, investment, competitiveness and connectivity. Flights to and from the EU, performed by an EU-based airline, will result in at least four times more local employment than the same flight performed by a non-EU airline.

It is vital that the EU pursue a comprehensive policy that strengthens the accessibility of European hubs to safeguard connectivity and consumer choice long term. We welcome the statement by Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc on 7th December 2015, announcing the Commission’s new Aviation Strategy and insisting on the importance of both open market access and fair competition.

We believe fair competition would be best addressed through the inclusion of provisions effectively securing undistorted competition in bilateral air services agreements between the European Union, its Member States and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations. We also believe that measures against unfair practices from third countries and third country operators should be adopted by European institutions. Specific to the United Arab Emirates and the State of Qatar, immediate action is necessary to ensure a competitive and level playing field for European commercial aviation.

E4FC stands for:

  1. (1)  promoting, restoring and protecting a level playing field for European aviation
  2. (2)  promoting fair and balanced air service agreements and requiring oversight andenforcement of compliance with those agreements
  3. (3)  protecting European aviation workers from the threat of job loss due tounprecedented state-subsidized airline expansion, and
  4. (4)  providing solutions regarding how air service/open skies agreements should addressa disproportional flow of state-subsidized carrier capacity to and from Europe, including the development of a proper trade defense instrument for European aviation.

We, therefore, call on the EU Transport Council to include a strong and comprehensive fair competition clause, as well as oversight and enforcement procedures in any future air services agreement to be concluded between the EU and GCC. In the meantime, we continue our campaign to enforce international aviation and trade rules, ensure fair and equitable competition and a level playing field.

Aviation is viciously competitive. We can compete with any airline, but not with governments. Thank you for your courteous attention to our concerns.

Steven Verhagen, President, VNV (On behalf of E4FC Supporters)

Dellaertlaan 61
1171 KZ Badhoevedorp

E4FC Supporters:

Erick Derivry, President

Syndicat National des Pilotes de Ligne

Steven Verhagen, President
Vereniging Nederlandse Verkeersvliegers

Darrell Myers, President Association Luxembourgeoise des Pilotes de Ligne

Alain Thromas, President Cfdt Air France

Annette Groeneveld, President
Vereniging Nederlands Cabinepersoneel

Dirk Polloczek, President

European Cockpit Association

Flore Arrighi, President UNAC

Evan Cullen, President

Irish Airline Pilots’ Association

Luciana Passo, President

Sindicato Nacional Do Pessoal De Voo Da Avlacão Civil

Martin Lindgren, President Svensk Pilotförening

Ilja Schulz, President Vereinigung Cockpit

Timo Saajoranta, President Finnish Pilots’ Association

Nic van Holstein, President Vakcentrale voor Professionals

Brendan O’Neal, President
British Airline Pilots Association

Ron Scherft, President

Nederlandse Vereniging Van Luchtvaart Technici

Joop Hofland, President De Unie

Zakaria Boufangacha, President
Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging

Yngve Carlsen, President

Norwegian Cockpit Association

Jo Bjorn Skatval, President Norsk Flygerforbund

Axel Tippmann, President Kapers

Bob Van der Wal, President

Vereniging van Hoger KLM Personeel

Dolf Polders, President

Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond

Annette Groeneveld, President
European Cabin Crew Association

João Carlos Costa, President
Associação Portuguesa dos Pilotos de Linha Aérea

Christoph Drescher, President

Industriegewerkschaft Luftverkehr Unabhängige Flugbegleiter Organisation

Jesus Cuevas, President

Sindicato de Tripulantes Auxiliares de Vuelo de Líneas Aéreas

Johannes Gudmundsson, President
Féiag Islenskra Atvinnuflugmanna

Javier Gómez Barrero, President

Sindicato Español de Pilotos de Líneas Aéreas

cc: Ms.
Mr. Henrik Hololei, Director General, DG Mobility and Transport

  1. Mr.  Michael Cramer, Chair of the EP Transport & Tourism Committee
  2. Ms.  Isabella De Monte, Member of the European Parliament
  1. Mr.  Wim Van de Camp, Member of the European Parliament
  2. Ms.  Jackie Foster, Member of the European Parliament
  1. Mr.  Davor Skrlec, Member of the European Parliament
  2. Ms.  Marie-Christine Arnautu, Member of the European Parliament

